- Yasaman Ghasempour, PI Knightly advisor, attended workshop collaboration at Brown University, February 2019
- Yasaman Ghasempour, PI Knightly advisor, attended mmW RCN workshop, Raleigh/Durham, NC, January 2019.
- Kumail Haider, PI Knightly advisor, attended 4th NSF mmW RCN workshop, Brooklyn, NY, July 2018.
- Yasaman Ghasempour, PI Knightly advisor, Chaired the ACM S3 Workshop at MobiHoc, July 2018.
- Keerthi Dasala, PI Knightly advisor, attended workshop collaboration at University of Buffalo, June 2018.
- Kumail Haider, PI Knightly advisor, attended mmW RCN workshop, Tuscon, AZ, January 2018.
- Kumail Haider, Knightly advisor, attended NSF DC Wireless Networking Workshop, December 2016.
- Kumail Haider and Yasaman Ghasempour, Knightly advisor, attended workshop collaboration at University of Buffalo, January 2017.
- Yasaman Ghasempour, Knightly advisor, TPC Co-Chair of ACM S3 Workshop at MobiCom, October 2016.
Honors and Awards:
- Peshal Nayak, advised by PI Knightly received his PhD., Rice University. He will be joining Samsung as a Design Engineer.
- Himanshu Aggrawal, advised by PI Babakhani received his PhD., Rice University. He has accepted an Analog Design Engineer position at Texas Instruments.
- Xu Zhang, advised by PI Knightly received his PhD., Rice University. He is currently a Hardware Design Engineer at Cisco.
- X. Zhang and E. Knightly, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Best Paper Award, October 2017.
- Yasaman Ghasempour, “X60: A Programmable Testbed for Wideband 60 GHz WLANs with Phased Arrays,” ACM. October 2017.
- X. Zhang and E. Knightly “Massive MIMO Pilot Distortion Attack and Zero-Startup-Cost Detection: Analysis and Experiments, in Proceedings of IEEE CNS 2017, Las Vegas, NV, October 2017. Best Paper Award.”
- Yeh, Chia-Yi – Feasibility of Passive Eavesdropping in Massive MIMO: An Experimental Approach, 2017.
- Naribole, Sharan – Enhanced WLAN performance with New Spectrum at 60 GHz and Visible Light, 2017.
- Assefzadeh, Mahdi – Broadband THz Signal Generation and Radiation Based on Direct Digital-to-Impulse Radiating Arrays in Silicon, 2017.
- Aggrawal, Himanshu – Design & Applications of Ultra-Wideband Pulse-based Receivers in Integrated Circuit Technology, 2017.
- Chen, Peiyu – Design Techniques and Measurement Methods for Broadband Millimeter-Wave and THz Systems in Silicon, 2017.
- Zhang, Xu – New Security Threats in Multiple-Antenna Networks: Analysis and Experiments, 2017.
- Prof. Aydin Babakhani, promoted to Associate Professor, April 2017.
- Prof. Aydin Babakhani is promoted to Louis Owen Junior Chair Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2017.
- Adriana Flores, PhD student, ECE Distinguished Student Service Award, April 2016
- Aydin Babakhani, NSF CAREER Award, 2016
- M. Assefzadeh and A. Babakhani, IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium, Jun. 2016. (Finalist for Best Paper Award)
- P. Chen and A. Babakhani, IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, May 2016. (Finalist for Best Paper Award)
- X. Yang and A. Babakhani, IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symposium, May 2016. (Finalist for Best Paper Award)
- M. Assefzadeh and A. Babakhani, IEEE Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF, Jan. 2016. (Best Paper Award)
- H. Aggrawal and A. Babakhani, IEEE Radio and Wireless Symp. Dig. Papers, Jan. 2016. (Finalist for Best Paper Award)
- O. Bejarano, S. Quadri, O. Gurewitz, and E. Knightly, IEEE SECON 2015, Seattle, WA, June 2015. Best Paper Award.
- X. Zhang and E. Knightly, ACM MobiHoc 2015, Hangzhou, China, June 2015. Best Paper Award.
Invited Presentations:
- Knightly, Emerging WLAN Devices, Capabilities, Applications, and Control Plane Challenges, ACM MobiHoc 2019, Catania, Italy, July 2019. (Invited Keynote)
- Knightly, Scaling and Securing Spectrum Access up to THz, IEEE DySPAN 2018, Seoul, Korea, October 2018. (Invited Keynote)
- Knightly, Experimentation Meets Platforms, IEEE INFOCOM 2019, Paris, FR, May 2019. (Invited Panel)
- Babakhani, Silicon-based Integrated Sensors with On-chip Antennas: From THz Pulse Sources to Miniaturized Spectrometers, NYU, September 2018. (Invited Presentation)
- E. Knightly, Scaling Wi-Fi to High Rate and High Client Density, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, June 2018. (Invited Presentation)
- E. Knightly, ASTRO: a System for Networked Drone Sensing Missions without Ground Control, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, June 2018. (Invited Presentation)
- E. Knightly, RENEW: Reconfigurable Eco-system for Next-generation End-to-end Wireless, IEEE INFOCOM 2018, Honolulu, HI, April 2018. (Invited Presentation)
- E. Knightly, What is the (Right) Road Ahead for mm-Wave Networked Systems Research? mmSys: Millimeter-Wave Networked Systems, Honolulu, HI, April 2018. (Invited Panel)
- E. Knightly, Scaling Wi-Fi to High Rate and High Client Density, RPI Mercer,Troy, NY, September 2017. (Invited Lecture)
- E. Knightly, New Challenges for New Spectrum, Visions for Future Communications Summit, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2017. (Invited Panel)
- X. Zhang and E. Knightly “Massive MIMO Pilot Distortion Attack and Zero-Startup-Cost Detection: Analysis and Experiments, in Proceedings of IEEE CNS 2017, Las Vegas, NV, October 2017. Best Paper Award.” (Invited Presentation)
- E. Knightly, Scaling Wireless for Next Generation Transformative Applications, IEEE INFOCOM 2017, Atlanta, GA, May 2017. (Invited Keynote)
- E. Knightly, Emerging Wireless Experimental Platforms and Capabilities, Computer and Networking Experimental Research Using Testbeds (CNERT 2017), Atlanta, GA, May 2017. (Invited Keynote)
- E. Knightly, Scaling Wi-Fi for Next Generation Applications, IEEE/IFIP Wireless Days 2017, Porto, Portugal, March 2017.
(Invited Keynote) - E. Knightly, Communications and the Internet of Things in Smart Cities, MIT LIDS Smart Urban Infrastructure Workshop,Cambridge, MA, May 2017. (Invited Panel)
- A. Babakhani, ” Picosecond Impulse Radiating Arrays in Silicon, ” in in International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, andTerahertz Waves, Aug. 2015. (Invited Keynote Talk)
- Kumail Haider, Directional 60 GHz WLANs: Protocol Design and System Implementation, ACM MobiHoc 2016, Paderborn,Germany, July 2016.
- Edward Knightly, 25th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN 2016), Waikoloa, Hawaii, August 2016. (Invited Keynote Talk)
- Edward Knightly, 8th Annual IMDEA Networks Institute International Workshop, Madrid, Spain, June 2016. (Invited Lecture)
- Edward Knightly, Diverse Spectrum Wi-Fi: Research Advances and Global Trials,” Northeastern University ECE DistinguishedLecture Series, Boston, MA, January 2016. (Invited Lecture)
- Edward Knightly, New Spectrum for New WLAN Services and Architectures, GLOBECOM Industry Program: Next Generation WLAN and WPAN Technologies, San Diego, CA, December 2015. (Invited Lecture)
- Edward Knightly, Re-thinking Spectrum Sharing, ACM HotWireless 2015, Paris, France, September 2015. (Invited Lecture)
- Edward Knightly, Challenges and Future Directions of Wireless Spectrum Research, IEEE INFOCOM 2016, San Francisco, CA, April 2016. (Invited Panel Member)
- Edward Knightly, Connectivity to IoT Devices, ACM Mobile Cloud Computing and Services 2015, Paris, France, September 2015. (Invited Panel Member)
- S. Naribole, J. Zhang and E. Knightly, “Closing the Loop with Light and Radio,” Rice ECE Afilliates Conference, Poster, Rice University, April 2016.
- Y. Ghasem Pour and E. Knightly, “Maximizing Spatial Streams in THZ band,” Keck Seminar, Poster, Rice University, November 2015.